February 22, 2023

Is it winter or spring? It’s hard to tell today. The air is chilly and up north they got snow! But there are signs of new life all around us! I love to seeing the new faces around Edgewood, the building is getting closer to being done and filling it with all of you is exciting! It’s a new season.

I have been reading in Leviticus and have been challenged to see how the Lord set Israel apart from the pagan cultures and calling them to a higher standard opposite of the world around them. I'm remembering what Pastor Jonathan talked about on Sunday: Salvation. We see in Leviticus 25 where our need for a kinsman/family redeemer was necessary. Our souls had to be purchased by our savior who redeemed us from the bondage of sin. His redemption returns us to a right state before God and makes us his image bearer.

When I was 10 I knew I wanted to follow the Lord. I was sure I had prayed a prayer much younger but couldn’t remember it. My dad said let’s pray now. This will be the day you remember and it will be like a proverbial stake in the ground, when satan tries to tempt you today saying you didn’t give your all, today will be the day you say, "Not today, satan!"

All God asks from us is obedience and worship. Reading through Leviticus has been a daily reminder to remember all He has done for me and to surrender and follow Christ.

This is my challenge to you today:
What area do you need to surrender in obedience and worship to him?

Will you tell someone about how you found salvation?

Let us be encouraged by the word of our testimony!


Have a blessed day


Just So You Know...

- Seth's Last Sunday! This Sunday is Seth's last week with us at Viewpoint Church! He's been with us for the last 2-1/2 years through thick and thin, giving so much time and effort. The structure of our teams, tech set-up, online streaming of services, podcast publishing, A/V troubleshooting, gear acquisition... This guy did so much! This Sunday, we'll pray him out and bless him as he begins the next season. YOU can be a part of this by writing notes of encouragement and sending him with any love you want to give. Thank you, Seth!

- Darlene is taking ideas for women’s events and Bible studies. Please fill out her survey at church or email her dmscupp(at)comcast.net with your ideas... if you're a woman, this is.

- Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, in the Catholic tradition.... that means Easter is right around the corner! Palm Sunday is April 2nd, and our kids will be performing for us in the sanctuary! Communication is already happening for parents and families. Don't miss this awesome day at church!

- Easter is Sunday, April 9th!

I'll see you at church!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jonathan

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